The Altoona Herald from Altoona, Iowa (2024)


W. McConnell, one of the pioneer citizens of the community died Saturday in Iowa Lutheran hospital following a brief illness. Her husband was taken to the hospital about two weeks ago and she a few after. days Agalba 1856. Zeruah Holt was born April 6th, in Johnson county, lowa and passed away February 20th, 1932 at the age of 75 years, 7 months and 24 days.

Miss was married to John W. McConnell at Des Moines, Iowa, January 19th, 1882 To this union were born three children, two SONS and one daughter, of whom one son passed away at the age of 22 years. Soon after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. McConnell settled near Altoona, where they have spent the most of their married life.

January 19th of this year they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Surviving Mrs. McConnell are her husband, John W. McConnell, who is critically ill at the Iowa Lutheran hospital in Des Moines, MRS. J.

W. McCONNELL ANSWERS SUMMONS a daughter, Edith M. McConnell, of Kansas City, Missouri; son, HarE. McConnell, of one Altoona; two vey and brothers, James Oscar Holt of Des Moines, three grand children. B.

Holt of Altoona, also The McConnell's were formerly members United Brethern to church, Des Moines, and after moving the Altoona community they united with the Methodist church at Altoona, where they have remained devoted and Mrs. loyal members McConnell for thirty-nine years. loving was a devoted wife, a neighbor mother, and kind and helpful friend, respected and loved by all who knew her. Funeral services were conducted her home pastor, Rev. E.

B. Stewart at the by Tuesday February 23, at 11:00 a. m. Mrs. Mary Owens and ter later.

Marjorie sang. Burial will be daughroll They are hoping Mr. McConwill be well enough to fore brrial see her bein March. college evening in with Rock Island, spent Sunday Born--to Mr. and Mrs, Williams Margaret Sprague.

a son, February 14. Miss Dorothy Parks of Des spent Saturday night with Moines, Wanda Grinstead. Mr. and Mrs. F.

M. Elliott took SunMrs. dinner at the home of Mr. and lay Mr. A.

H. Sprague and family. was caller Earl Libbey of Des Moines, a in the town last week. Mr. P.

F. Malley was taken hospital last week for treatments. to the The Rev. F. N.

Hicks of the Iowa Civic League spoke at the M. church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reeves and daughter took Sunday dinner with Mr.

and The Mrs. W. Farlow of Ankeny. F. Club will meet all with Mrs.

E. 0. Thornton. day Everyone bring a covered dish March and 1. sandwiches.

Mr. Harold Vander Linden left Sunday for Oskaloosa where he has work. Mr. Carl Wagner of 6 o'clock dinner Saturday took Ankeny, with of the their Rev. and Mrs.

Fulton in honevening or in wedding anniversary. Later the evening a group of the folks surprised them. Games young were a played nice lunch at the close of the evening and departed wishing them many Everyone more was served. happy Callers anniversarys. at the James Newell home Sunday Mr.

were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newell, and Mrs. Elmer Newell of daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Nelson and Shellrock, Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Conley, Mr. Moines, Cole and son, all of Des The Womens Club of Berwick with Miss Ethel Whede met Mrs.

Davis Courtney Davis and Mrs. John Wednesday, Mr. assisted Miss Whede as hostess. working in Fort Dodge the 1 past two Elmer Thornton who has been his weeks, mother, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Etta Edwards.

Miss Reona Grimes of Des Moines spent Dichl. Friday night with Marguerite Mrs. Hubert George and cal to their nome Friday son returnDes Moines, where Mrs. night from been having infction in her George has the son has been in the hand and infection of the bone. We hospital all with they get along nicely.

hope Mrs. Courtney Davis' attended 2 banquet in Des Muines Saturday evening. Those who have been list the past week are: on Louise the sick Millard Courtney Broyles, Mrs. Vern Strain, Mr. Piper, Mrs.

Newell Davis, Mrs. Floyd Cross, of Shallrock. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hearn and son and Hearn and Mr.

and Mrs. John daughter, and daughter of Des their spent Sunday evening at the home Moines, of parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hearn.

Berwick Vernon Congregation! Church Fulton, Pastor Bible School Worship 10 11 a. a. m. m. Sermon "When The Whistle There was an increase of 14 Blows" Bible School Last Sunday, in the record attendance of 69.

making a We are starting our caw young married Des Moines class now. Dr. DeBeck of peoples Don't is the teacher. fonget to Bring your Bible. Come on Time.

MITCHELLVILLE Mrs. From the Index, Feb. 18 home Saturday Charles Bishop war, brought hospital from Lutheran 1 where she has been ill for many reek McCurnin returned last trip Albert 1932 Subscription Lea, where she helped care her sister, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs.

I. H. Woodrow are now at home to their friends in their new home, having moved several days ago. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Gosselink have rented the place where they now live to Rev. and Mrs. M. Dwight Walker. Mr.

and Mrs. Gosselink will move their property in the west part of town. March This change will take place first. A very unique event occurred at the home of Mrs. E.

A. DeLong on Valentine's Day when she celebrated her 84th birthday. It was also the birthday of her son, W. F. DeLong of Denver, Colorado, who is here visiting his mother and a other relatives.

Twenty-five relatives were present to enjoy the occasion. The called Mitchellville Fire Department was to the Manley Anderson stock farm, three miles, northwest of town carly Friday afternoon to extinguish a blaze on a truck that caught fire when a hired man attempted to start the motor, When it refused to start he began to work on the distributor, as we undestand it, and the truck then caught on fire in some way, no one seems to know just how. He and others about the farm then tried to push it out of the corn crib where it was kept, but could not budge it because of the slippery ice. A team of horses was then hitched up to pull it out. Even after the fire truck arrived it took some to put out the blaze, as the gasoline and oil in motor had a start and was blazing away merrily when the firemen arrived.

Although it was quite badly damaged, the truck can be repaired, and the loss WEtS covered by insurance, MERRY MAIDS 4-H CLUB The Merry Maids 4-11 Club met at the home of Ruth Harris on Saturday, February 20. Seven members, two visitors, one mother, and our leader, We and our honory member were present. the Lord's opened our meeting by repeating Prayer. Plans for making a comforter discussed. The new year books were distributed.

Some of our music memory selections were played and we also discussed the picture memory contest. Helen Weston sang a vocal solo as a special numher, and Marguret Stewart and Ruth Mrs. Whitmore Clark gave "Harris demonstration. and Wanda and Pritchard the Interior gave us the lesson on "Color of a Girl's Room." It was very interesting. Mrs.

Gertie Gray, our honory member, gave a very pretty handkerchief to each girl and our leader as a Valentine. They were and we wish to thank Mrs. Gray girls, for greatly appreciated by all of the them. She is always doing some kind and helpful deed for our club. ReFreshments were served by the hostess and the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be at the home March of Arlene Churchill on Saturday Stewart, Reporter. School Notes. Grades 5 and 6 We wish to make a correction. We bought five dictionaries instead of two with the money from the P. T.

A. We stullied the telegraph and set up a set in our own room. Monday morning Miss Iseminger brought her to school. This made it possible for us to listen to the Washington Bi-centennial Program from Washington, D. -Reporters, Robert Olson, Jean Parker.

High School The Junior class is serving a hot lunch Friday noon of this week. They are serving baked beans, coney islands cne is 5 cents and we are hoping they potatoe salad, a cocoa and pie. Each will have a large crowd. Monday morning we listened to the Washington program Washington D. C.

Miss Altman brought her radio to school, made it possible for us to hear this extraordinary program. The seventh and eighth grades came up to hear it also. CHURCH POLES Evening Mrs. Stanley Champion will entertain the Ladies Aid Society in her home this Thursday afternoon. She will be assisted by Mrs.

Berneice Peterson and Mrs. E. B. Stewart, There has been a great deal of sickness among us. Severel of our members last week.

were thoughtful and certainly helpful in telling us of cases of iliness. This we much appreciated. Please remember, kind friends, to quickly report cases of illness and times of anxiety to the pastor, for in so doing you will belp him to do more effectively the type of work he loves to do. While, you illness are please careful do to not report overby look the reporting help you can give your pastor victories your joys and spiritual top. You way be able to realize encourage by and help the more than -you that come to reporting good things you.

From Mitchellville has come the reaf port readings from started pastor that the series spirit last off with Sne Sunday morning. We should all be looking forward The Methodist Episcopal Church MottoErnest B. Stewart, Pastor Coifed Morning Service n. P.p forth 11.90 To Per All Year Points in Polk Outside County of Polk County, News Over the County (By Geverna Cole) Mr. and Mrs.

Carl West and Irene, visited at the Richardson home Sunday. Mrs. Charles Oglevie called on Mrs. John Van Ginkle Saturday afternoon. Mrs.

William Jenkins visited with Mrs. John Barker Friday afternoon, Mrs. Westley Loveless spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Cole. Mr.

and Mrs. W. P. Woods and daughter, Lillian, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Bridie in Des Moines, afternon.

Callers at the Fred Cole home last pork were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. Carroll Cavender, Mr. Will Davis, Mr.

and Mrs. Sam' Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Westley Loveless and Miss family, Mr. and Mildred Mr.

Mrs. and Cole. Mrs. George R. G.

Olson Nickle a and are the proud parents of a little baby girl, born February 19th. Mrs. Westley Loveless, Mr. Wilbur Loveless and Dorothy and Westley Jr. motored to Liberty Center Monday, where they spent the day with Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Claire Harris and son Bobby. The pupils of Babbitt School gave 3 Washington's birthday program Monday afternoon.

Callers at the Charley Oglevie home Friday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. William Jenkins, Mr. William Shivers, William Abbott, Mr.

Chas. Harvey and Mr. Wilbur Loveless. Mr. and Mrs.

R. G. Nickle called at the Al Cole home Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mary Butterfield and Mr. Harold Astley of Des Moines, were married in Bethany, Missouri, last Thursday.

The couple were staying at the home of the brides parents Saturday evening where they were awakened by a bunch of the neighbors who charivaried them. They are planning on making their home near the city airport. Mr. Jim Cole has spent the past week at the Al Cole home. Now that the assessor has been around we can turn dogs loose again.

The following poem was sent to Mrs. John Van Ginkle by one of the members of the Mothers Club, the day the club met last week: Dear Mary I'm sending to you today my regret, I'd love to be there, 0 boy! you bet, I enjoy, every one of you, you're a pretty good set, 'About the jolliest, best bunch I ever met. You've plenty of work, work by the peck, Ill be there next time after washing my neck. If I'd come today, you'd think I'd been in a wreck, My head aches, back aches, and stomach so That bountiful dinner that's gotten by you, Not every one can do so well, just a few. I'm not discouraged, I'm not It's just a touch of that pesky flu, MUD CREEK NEWS BABBITT DISTRICT Mr.

O. J. Iseminger of Dows, Iowa visited over night with his father, S. Iseminger last week. O.

J. reports every one well and lots of snow in their country. Wm. Scanlon and Chester are helping Mr. O'Brien to get his corn husked.

Mrs. P. J. Renaud, who went to the Methodist hospital is getting along as well as can be expected, O. E.

Walker, of Farmington, and Mrs. Mac McCleary of Bondurant, visited at the Fred Hurst home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tomlinson and children of Mitchellville, visited at the Fred Hurst home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Plummer and Lois were callers in the evening.

Miss Carrie Hurst accompanied Miss Pauline Rooker of Mitchellville 0 a Washington banquet Saturday livening. Pauline spent Sunday visitwing with Carrie, returning to her home evening. SAMMER SOHOOL, DISTRICT (By Wilma Silver) 21.. and Me. Joha Arthur, and Virginia, Mrs.

Kendrick Brown and Mrs. Laura Silver, all of Des Moines, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C.

Thornburg. Mr. and Mrs. R. O.

Silver and famvisited with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tertz of Altoona, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stonier and Family spent with Mr. and Mrs.

H. E. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Peterson and suns Dean and Raymond, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gandi of Des Moines. Mrs. Ross Jagues, Mrs.

Dennis Jagues and Mrs. Harley Thornton are recovering from the flu, Mr. and Mrs. N. Nelson, spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Jim McCallock of Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. Hartley and son Paul of Mingo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs. Otto Nelson and Margaret spent Wednesday with Mr.

and Mre. N. G. Nelson Mra N. G.

Nelson is on the sick list enth and eighth graders passed in all of their state examinations that they took February 5. We are making health posters this week. Donald Silver is making a large poster this week. Richard Thornton, Wilma, Evelyn and Donald Silver, Jack Thornton, Marjorie and Richard Stonier and Dennis Jaques received in their spelling last week. We are busy taking six weeks examinations this week.

Grace and Gladys Jaques were absent from school several days last week on account of sickness. We celebrated short George Washington's birthday with a program Monday morning at school. Don't forget the regular P. T. A.

meeting February 27, 1932. RISING SUN RISING SUN last Mr. Monday and Mrs. afternoon Dan Warren spent in Des Moines. Mr.

and Mrs. Grant Dean went to Des Moines on business Monday morning. Earl Sweeney called at the O. R. Smith home last Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Anderson of Rising Sun enterlained at six o'clock dinner last Monday evening, Mr.

Oscar Anderson and family of Des Moines, also his mother Mrs. Anderson of Topeka, Kansas, who came Dos. Moines Just Saturday evening to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Olson of Des Moines, also the funeral of an old acquaintance in Des Moines. John Johnson called at the J.

D. Watt home Tuesday morning. B. H. Murrow called at John Johnson's last Monday morning on business.

Grandma Traw seems. not to be gaining very rapidly. At times she scems to he worse, and suffers from a severe pain in her side at times. last Mr. and Mrs.

Doyle Anderson spent Tuesday pt the Ora Ware home. Mrs. John Johnson spent last Monday ufternoon with Mrs. L. A.

Anderson in Rising Sun. The Aid met last Thursday at the John Johnson home with 17 members and 9 visitors present, Miss Nora Hawkins, Mrs. Harry Whitesel and Mrs. Frank Gray from Des Moines, were present. The next meeting will be March 3rd with Mrs.

C. H. Williams. G. F.

Lets VanHorn have a good attendance. attended a Farm Bureau meeting at the Court House Thursday of last week, while Mrs. G. F. spent the day in Des Moines with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Freeman. Mrs.

Leonard Ramberg and daughter Helen called Grant Dean home last Thursday morning and took Mrs. Hilda Ramberg home with them. Harrison Hollingsworth, Ben Murrow with Harold Voytle, were callers at the John Johnson home. Monday John Johnson called at the P. 0.

Weaver and Roy Hick home Friday morning. Mrs. Harry West and Mrs. Will Abbott called at John Johnson's last Thursday evening, also Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Meacham spent the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Anderson took Sunday dinner at the C. H.

Anderson home and called at the Russell Hayes home. PEAco*ck SCHOOL NOTES Ivan, Gerald and Kathryn Lovett were absent from school last week due to illness. Prior to this illness Ivan held the honor of being the only one with a perfect attendance. The P. T.

A. met at the school house last Friday evening. The next meeting will be March 4. Marjorie Blake received She was well pleased as all grades from the eighth grade examinations. were above Ivan Lovett and Marjorie Blake received the honors in the daily health contest for the past month.

HICK SCHOOL NOTES Those receiving last week in Spelling are: Evelyn Barnes, Marjorie Hick, Donald Clarence Wilson, James Bell, Meilike and Robert Stuart. The examinations grades from the state 8th grade have been received and are very satisfactory. This weel: is the end of the 4th six weeks period. The A. have decided to give a Supper 37:1 for their next meeting.

Watzh for later notice. SOUTHERN CLAY Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Warrell and son Howard and Mrs. Reece spent Sunday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Hick. Mr. and Mrs. Murry Goff and Mrs.

Ann Goff from Des Moines, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shivers. Mr. and Mrs.

F. S. Iseminger from Des Moines, spent Wednesday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Iseminger.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barnes, Mrs. Myrtle Hains, visited with Walter and Otho Hick Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Anderson and children called in the afternoon also Mr. and Mrs.

Alex Vance and Francis called in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hick, Mr. and Mrs.

Alex Vance, Mr. and Mra. Lee Barnes, Mrs. Myrtle Hains, Otho and Walter Hick were callers On Zilla Hick her brothers. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Walters called on Mr. and Mrs. John Iseminger Sunday afternoon. and Mrs.


Jeffers, who has been in poor health for several years, passed away Saturday night at her home here. Emily Jane Jeffers, eldest daughter of Elias and Rebecca Adams, was born near Elkhart, Indiana, February 18, 20, 1847 and at departed this life February 1932 the age of eighty-five yeara and two days. When she was six years old she came with her ents to Jasper County, Iowa, where parshe was reared to womanhood. She was united in marriage to Jacob C. Jeffers December 7, 1870.

To this union ten children were born. Her husband and three children, Lottie, Emma death. and Hugh preceded her in In 1871 they went by ox team to Hamilton County, Nebraska, where it they their settled homestead, making home thirty years. In 1902 they came back to Iowa and established the present home in Altoona. In her carly life Mrs.

Jeffers united with the Methodist church and later her when living in Nebraska transferred membership to the Baptist church where she was member until lime of her death. the She leaves to mourn her loss, three sons, Clifford of Milford, Utah, Pearl of Woonsocket, South Dakota and Eari Celesta at home; four daughters, and Edith, and Mrs. Belle GifKittie, of Des Moines. She leaves also four four ford of Des Moines. She leaves also brothers, Rev.

Jeremiah Adams of Greenville, Illinois, A. York, Nebraska, Julius C. Adams of Adams of Mingo, Iowa and eight Carruthers, California, and D. D. grandchildren.

Her last scars have been spent circle. in the center of a loving family children JL has been the joy of her to satisfy every wish and her sons have traveled long distances for Funeral brief visits with their mother. the were conducted at services home Tuesday afternnon, February 23rd by Rev. E. Stewart of the Rev.

local I. Methodist church, assisted by J. Brame, pastor of the First Baptist church, Indianola Town. A quartette composed of Mrs. C.

C. Owens, Keister, of Des Moines, Mrs. Mary C. A. Bonnewell and J.

C. Mason sang two numbers, "Abide With Me" Tears." and "God Shall Wipe All Mrs. C. They were assisted by G. Sykes at the piano.

Burial was made in the Altoona cemetery. Mrs. Myrtle Hains spent Friday with Zilla Hick and her brothers. Florence Shivers calleil on Mrs. James Bell and Mrs.

Chan Waggoner Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stevens and Mrs. Lyle Johuson from Prairie City visited Friday with Mr.

and Mrs. Chan Waggoner. CHAFFEE SCHOOL DISTRICT The Happy Sunshine Club plan to observe Washington's Bi-Centennial by planting a tree in the spring. Our meeting this Friday will be on Birds. Mrs.

Klein, is chairman of the P. T. program for next month. ENTERPRISE SCHOOL NEWS Our P. T.

A. mets Friday night February 26. The program committee wish to invite a good attendance as they have an interesting program planned. BOWSHER STATION The P. T.

A. of West School has its regular meeting Friday evening at 8 o'clock, March 4. All are cordially invited. Mrs. Hazel Sellers and Alice spent Sunday at the Wm.

Branscomb home. Mrs. Orsen Bowsher has been having trouble with an infection of her She has her eye treated specialist and is getting along nicely. Norine Smith sang several numbers at an entertainment given by the Young Peoples League of the Salvation Army at 4th and Chestnut Des Moines. Billy and Ray Branscomb spent the clay Monday visiting their grand mother, Mrs.

Lindbeck of Des Moines. The Friendly Club met with Mrs. Henry Haugh Thursday afternoon. All had a nice time visiting and sowing. Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin Shoffer went to Moline, Illinois Saturday to visit the fermer's mother who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. C.

P. Smith and family called on the Misses Elsie and Catherine Davis Sunday evening and were entertained at the Chas. Thompson home in Des Moines Monday evening. BERWICK The Berwick Unity League is happy to announce that we were very succossful in our bicentennial program of February 18 and 19. The church was overly show both evenings.

This goes full to what cooperation can do using Ecclesiastes 9:10, for our incentive. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, wither thou goest." We wish to take this opportunity to thank, all our friends for their President. kind attendance- Orlin Sprague, Mr. and Mra, R. M.

Thornburg and daughter Mary took Sunday dinner with Mra, Ida Thornburg of Bowsher Station. Miss Pauline Jubl of Diana, Iowa spent the week at the home of James Newell. Mr. Robert Thornton took Thuraday dinner with Etta Edwards, Miss Edna Eckdahl who is attending for Turned Loose By Bert Carson Lem Splasher says the comeacrosser is a much more valuable asset town than to any the double crosser. look Do you suppose that prosperity will the same when it does come back.

Maybe if you took a squint at the other fellows plate you would not think you are farcing so badly. As I see it--One big difference between George Weshington and some of did the seek big Divine fellows of today is-George guidance. Hike Stepsum says the modern lock not only wants his pound of shydelivered he wants it wrapped and flesh-but in it fancy package. "Oh Well," remarked Sile Kildew "Nobody but a fellow with a clean conscience could SnOTC through a George Washington program." Hoke Juniper the store threw quite a wrench into the keeper machinery today when he notified loafing his crowd no more straws are to be pulled out of new brooms to clean out pipe stems. Lige Buzzer says he isn't in favor of beer coming back but he like to see more kick in butter would milk.

Don't wait for the other fellow to dim both his lights-it might keep you from being ditched. Hum Dinger says some men throw out their chests more when the car they drive than they do you praise when the wife's cooking is praised, There's a' campaign on to get work for a million persons-give some one some work today. Pike Steckem says, "Bull headedness no doubt has its place, but so many bull headed fellows haven't found the right place." The school taxes are heaviest and no doubt this veur's school vote will be among the lightest. Did you ever thunk 3 centra! for getting a call through or for trying to locate you for some one remember she is human too, Slip. Creepback says he has an idea that doctors placed attachments on back- -Maybe after all get a baby quite a resale few unpaid babies--they'd department might pay.

The Automobile Show might fo a lot of good if they management taught pedestrians car dodging at the Annual Show. PROSPERITY CAME BACK In 1907 Panic broke loose. The duction of pig iron dropped pro- in less than a year. All but the est men lost heart. We are ruined strongcan not on every hand, recovery they declared come in our time.

Yet in two short years prosperity had returned. America can and will come back if we put our shoulder to the wheel and do bushel our part. Corn will be 50c a Contributed. we raise another crop.before CLAY CLIMBERS CLUB The Clay Climbers Club met at the 1932. home of Mildred Peters February 13, Our leader, Mrs.

Murrow gave us the part of the lesson. We played music memory records and discussed them. The next meeting will be at the home of our leader, Mrs. N. Murrow.

All who are interested in Club work please come, as we wish more girls to become acquainted with Club work. The meeting will be February 27, 1932. Please come. tu a season of spiritual during the Easter season which refreshing is only a few weeks ahead. Mrs.

W. S. Hecker will be hostess to the W. F. M.

S. Thursday, March 3d. Sometimes no doubt in the last few months we have allowed ourselves to say harsh things about "the times" Chid the utterly hop-inss condition into which it places us. Here is worth taking a suggestion versity and hard tines made our anof cestors hard in muscles instead in the Lue's worship together Sunday. Christian Evening Evangelistic and Regular evening.

services The Sunday morning pastor wishes to. see YOU? every member present. How about day) Choir in the practice this evening (Thirschurch. City, We but are gaining slowly into it. The we bell must put more effort op Prairie 10 o'clock if you are not there at rings promptly time you lose a point for your at Sunday that Sunday School.

Let's everybody be on time uS "We morning. Don't let it be said had been OD would time have and won stayed if YOU for church surprise The Helping covered Hand. Society dinner at the home farewell to CHURCH OF CHRIST Charles S. Macy, Pastor "Disciples of Christ, Match the Hour!" Sunday Morning.

The Altoona Herald from Altoona, Iowa (2024)


Is Altoona IA a good place to live? ›

Our neighborhoods are safe for families; our local schools are some of the best in their class, and our residents have access to an outstanding public library.

What is Altoona Iowa known for? ›

Altoona is the unofficial adventure capital of Central Iowa and that starts with Adventureland amusem*nt park, with over 100 rides, Adventureland Bay water park, attached hotel, on-site campground, and more funnel cake than you can safely consume in a weekend.

What is the Facebook address in Altoona Iowa? ›

Facebook Altoona Iowa Data Center is located at 100 Share Way Northwest, Altoona, IA, USA.

What is the race population of Altoona? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 20.3 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (39.4k people) in Altoona, PA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 1.94k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) and 1.33k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Why is Altoona famous? ›

Through innovative engineering, the Horseshoe Curve was completed in 1854 west of Altoona to provide a westward passage at a grade that was gradual enough for heavy trains. The Horseshoe Curve is now designated a National Historic Landmark.

What does the name Altoona mean? ›

Its name probably derives from the Cherokee word allatoona, meaning “high lands of great worth.” Altoona's economy is based on diversified industries and railroad shops.

Where is the old Facebook headquarters? ›

Entrance to Facebook's former headquarters in the Stanford Research Park, Palo Alto, California. In January 2012 the company moved to a new campus in Menlo Park, California.

In what city was Facebook located? ›

Menlo Park, CA

Facebook is the world's premier Social Networking site with over 2 billion users worldwide. Facebook's Menlo Park campus serves as its headquarters, corporate showcase, and global hub.

Can you visit Facebook headquarters? ›

The thing is, the Facebook HQ is not open to the public – you need to be hosted in order to visit it. As it turned out, my bff's friend's hubby (who is also my bff's friend, of course – yeah, it's a bit complicated, but never mind!) works in Facebook and this was something we only knew when we were in San Francisco.

Is Altoona a nice place to live? ›

Altoona is fairly average as a town. Not the safest place but not particularly dangerous, plenty of stuff to do, schools are about average, real estate is fairly cheap, and the weather is pretty good. And the mountains provide nice scenery that still impresses me despite living here for 6 years.

Is Altoona a suburb of Des Moines? ›

The Altoona community is the northeastern suburb of the Des Moines metro area, located directly off the Interstate 80 and the Highway 65 bypass and only a 15-minute drive to downtown Des Moines.

Is Altoona a rural area? ›

Altoona, PA Urban Area.


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