The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

A' i 1 WILKES-BARRE RECORD, FRIDAY, JUtfE 12, Fifteen u'i'u-w I 'teeeeeeeweewwiMwMieeppw WiHces-HBarre Twp. ANTOODKE Aim A 1H Kiwi, flMu IU-J1U Mil It WIU-Bmm If It i Vt, rbm 121-1111 ar ft-UI II to Ufcftrrf t4 Correspondent: Andrew Pavlick, Telephone 474-6361 2I2lGra(lum High School Given Wood Stresses Importances Importance of making education "a life-long continuing process" as stressed -yMterday-after-flooR by -Wilkes-Barre -City School Superintendent Walter C. Wood as he addressed the graduates of Wilkes-Barre Township High School. WrVets Nantieoke Newport Barracks 2924, Veterans of World War 1, Hear Reports met at -the American Legioniment exercises yesterday after- Shickshinny ect Told to Kiwanis 'Human exploration of the moon may be the next chapter of science fiction to become Historical fact." members of the Plymouth Kiwanis Club were told at their meeting Wednesday night at the American Legion Home. Guest speaker was Eugene D.

Lavery, Wilkes-Barre native and resident of Harrisburg. He is Bell Telephone Company's pub- lie relations representative and customer relations man. President Russell Jeffery pre sided at the session attended by 38 members. Carl Sando was orozram chairman and lntro duced Lavery. Bryce Sarnies gave the invocation.

SDeakin on the subject "Reaching for the Moon." Lavery said the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations "Project Appollo," supported, by the efforts of 200,000 people and the expenditure of about 000,000,000, is aimed at landing n.en on the moon by the ena oi the 1960s. The sneaker Illustrated his talk by free-hand drawings and art panels In luminous colors under black light. He aescrinea in detail the various stages of "Pro ject Apollo" and the vital part being played oy tne tfeu leie-nhone Svstem in history's most challenging peacetime undertak- Moon Proj Annual awards day. of the Junior High School was held yes-terday afternoon In the school udltorium. Clem V.

Maslow, principal of the school, was In Program Included flag salute, led by Thomas Bolesta, national anthem, assembly, Invocation, Rev. George I. Dickinson, of First Methodist. Church; addres of welcome, Fred Miller, president of the freshman class; presentation of awards, NED Test cer- tificates, NE Pennsylvania Heart Association prize, ninth grade first honors, selections, freshman girls chorus, sextet selections. 1 "America Our Heritage." "Peace Of The River," "I Got Shoes." Mother Goose Holiday," This Train" The Sound Of Music," theme song, "My Favorite Things," trio, Ellen Arthur, Diane Gillls, and Ellen Mundy, "Do Re Mi" and "Climb Every Mountain." Selection by the junior high achool orchestra, James Selingo, ore st "Dolores," "Till There Was You," "76 Trombones," "Malaguena" and "Mardi Gras." At Nantieoke Nantico*ke Area Joint Higfy School held its annual eommence- noon at the high school stadium.

A total of 212 received diplomas, 108 boys and 104 girls. Commencement address was delivered by Ivan Boxell, news analyst and world traveler. His topic was "The Graduate nd the Globe," in which.he discussed world trends and World leaders from a background of direct ton-tact and observation. Commencement program opened with processional by the high school band, followed by the National Anthem. Invocation was offered by Rev.

H. W. Hilde brand, pastor of Primitive Meth odist Church. Welcome and in troductions were given by Joseph P. Siesko, superintendent of Nantico*ke Area School Jointure.

Following the address by Boxell, presentations of diplomas were made by James P. McDer-mott, president of the Joint Board of Education. Presentations of class day award winners was made by Anthony Diksa, high school principal. Benediction was given by Rev. Stanislaus F.

Banas, pastor ef St. Stanislaus Church. The high school alma-mater was followed by recessional by the high school band. KEW Re.dr to ny iu plan. 1M4 Ae-ruitonqlimf kits, pnt kr numbtr tit.

Swtmnunr jxl. Betch nuts and miaj Street Hi', lM vicejing. Class officers are i red Miner, resident Ellen Jpunptte Domolavage, Arthur. ANNOUNCEMENTS Newport Township Little League wil lopen Its 14th season Saturday at 2 p. m.

at the Jittls league field, Wanamie, with ceremonies, beginning at 1:30. There will be no motorcade due to the unfavorable weather and later ness of the season opening. Mayor Vincent F. Znanieckl of Nantico*ke issued an appeal yesterday to residents of the Greater Nantico*ke Area to join in observing National Flag Week Sunday. Sunday is National Flag Day in commemoration of the 187th birthdav of th Flair secretary and Joseph Pasternak, treasurer.

National Honor Society mem. bers were announced as follows: 9th grade, Ellen Arthur, Jeanne Audelewicz, Gloria Banyar, Patsy Barney, Diane Gillis, Shirley Gould, Linda Mazur, Robert Pergo, Mary L. Ridzon. Joyce Rother, Anthony Shucosky, Judith Thomas and Joseph Verbalis, 8th grade, Robert Barney, Valerie Bromaek. Carol Brown John Hudak, Joseph Menty, John Nesbitt, Charles Ripa, Ira Smulyan, Daniel Walters and Susan Yon.

Award winners were: Carol Erown and Susan Yo, American Auxiliary medals, presented by Mrs. Daniel Phillips, president. Daniel Walters and Robet Barney, American Legion -medals, presented by Theodore Kalian, of. the Americanism com- Brown, eighth rade spelling, preseatel-byMrs. David Morris, president, Women Civic Club.

Joseph Verbahs and El en Arthur, VFW Scholarship, Citizenship, $5 each, presented by Donald Williams, commander. Joseph Verbalis, Charles Pal-mcr Davis Current Events, a medal presented by Clement V. Maslow, principal. Ellen Arthur and Joyce Rother, r-iiih music, key and chain, presented by Ernest J. Paulis, president.

wnh Verbalis. the George Nicholas industrial $5, pre Awards biven AtCrestwood Annual awards day was held esterday morning in Crestwood iigh School with Leland vanoer- maker associate supervising prin cipal. In charge. Kenneth E. Hawk, supervising principal, addressed the pupils and told the seniors that you now are about to enter the "world of hard knocks." The facts you have learned we hope will be of value to Vou.

"Some of you, and I wish it could be all of you, will go on to college, business schools or nursing. We wish you the best of luck, and to you who win De returning to us again next year, we encourage you to have a good summer and return next year, picking up what you might not have last year." Vandermark Jn.opening the awards program said the awards are made to pupils who have distinguished themselves scho- lastically or ifi school service Elsie Baker Jointure award was given to the pupil In each section who has maintained the highest schdastic average for the year were as follows; junior year, Nancy Hawk; sophom*ore, Marvin Stine and freshman, Carolyn Zabinkl. WhiteHaven pupils highest in their years were: Jane Asher; tenth, David Serfoss, and eleventh, Cheryl Williams. Other awards were Best typist, Jean Ann Hollock John Phillips Sousa band award, Soma Schlener. Following pupils were honored for an average of 90 per cent or better: Seniors Hope Kwachka, Pat Dale Hildebrand, Daniel Paowlowski.

Anita Pavlick, Jen nifer Kentack. Jacquhne Kod- gers, Barbara Mirra, pale Evans. Juniors Patricia tsarrera, Nancv Hawk. David Williams, Chery Williams, Robert Zawilskt, Dave Jean Leyrert, sneiia iwor- ean. Kathy Redstone.

Bonnie Balliet, Sharon Festdmocker, Bonnie Ogin, Kathlyn Stemple. Other grades. Gail Ulesxo, Loi' lina Whitebread, Katherine Wil iams. Lvnn Detz. Phyllis Petros- key, Margaret Storrz, carol Ann Perch.

Donna Meade, June Ann LaPoint. Connie Deppe, Sharon DeCinti, Kathy Wislaum, Betty Ambrose, Marvine btine, MarK Stair. Ellen Zarroda. a a Kama. John 1 Konaid SwanfctierySwetz7Bonnie Smith, Muriel Musgrove, Rose Marie Hollock, Richard unmm (who also received the combination seolastice and athletic Jacob Eiker, Carl Bal liet.

Leona Williams, Sharon Winter. Darrv McDonald, Betty Panas, Corolun Fisher, Lenord Steck, Ceaser, Dalores Maeuire. Anita Mylet, Jean Ann Fey, Jean Pohanisth, Kathy Bur-neski, Margaret Baab, Bruce Peters, Jane Evans, Carylon Za Helend Dewald, Diane Simms, Linda Miere, Jo Ann Katie. Grasso. How.

ard Wieslogal, and Jeffery Emith The following three were also presented with the seolastice and athlecit combination award Linda Miere, Carylon Zabinski and Mary DeCinti. Student Council-members were honored as well as key club methbers and usherettes. Howard Williams head of the music department presented the following pupils with for continued service: Sophom*ores, Randy Price, Susan Miers, Mark Stair, Marvin Stine, Sharon Decinti, Marie Grosso, Rose Marie Hollock, Marie Mudroskey, Eillen Zaroda, Marina and Christine Burke. Sweaters were presented to the junior members who had continuous service to the band: Pat Barrar, Pat Brujgulis, Dennis Barry Drasker, Nancy Hawk, Thea Kaye, Albert Kline, Lester Shupp, Kathekne Spaide Michael Stair, and Wanda Jamin-ski. Majorettes presented sweaters were Jackie Grimm, Margaret Franks, Nancy Helvig, Carol Howe and Sharon Ruth.

Charles Mitke head of coaching presented the following awards assisted by Andrew T. Paterson, faculty manager: SeniorsDonald Umla, Michael Musgrove, Earl Davis and Scott Smith: Jhese boys also received Mitke also presented letters to the following: Irv Carter, baseball and basketball; Scott Smith, baseball and. basketball; Fred Jones, Harry Stine, Donald Umla, Pete Melnyk, Alan Baumann, Lester Shupp, Howard Metzger, Ronald Swank, Ronald Williams, Dale Stine, Jack Shafer, John Twardzik, Bruce Vican, Raymond Jenkins. Joseph Sawerwine, John Thomas, Ernie Burke, James Zaroda. Joseph Rezzo, Charles McHose and William Williams.

Following senior girls were presented with jackets for cheer Kentack, Kathy in tsrynocK, Kathy Moadowitz, Maureen Rose Cheryl Jones. Cheerleaders re- ceiv ng letters: uan nugnes, Dava Jean Leyfert, Chelia Morgan, Bonnie Rienhimmer, Mary Alice Radjantz, Donna Badman, Ann Marie Ysueavage, Mary De Cinti, Marie Hollaway and Carol Zabinski. Firemen to Hold Bazar June 20-21 Wright Township Fire Com pany announced the annual bazar will take place June 20-21 on the fire house grounds at Alberts Corners. Affair will feature booths, rides, games and refreshments. Highlight will be a ham dinner.

Pierre Morgaiv4s-ohaiirman. Field Trial Sunday Wyoming Valley Beagle Club will hold a sanctioned field trial Sunday at the grounds in Ih- iman Township starting at 8:30 a. m. A meal will be served to those attending and the affair is open to the public. Exercise Set ATSt: es 34 Eighth Graders To Get Diplomas t.

rJ a mi. of St. Jude's Church, will present I 1 diplomas io me iirsi ciass oi aicrhth trrAr at st A School at Mass Sunday at 9 in the church. REV. EDWARD NOLAN Class has 15 of the original members.

Total enrollment is 34. Edward McCarthy has the high est scholastic average in the graduating class and Agnes Bed- ner is second. Micnaei iisner nas been sranted a scholarship for St. Mary's High School, Wilkes- Barre, for the next school term. Members of the graduating class are: James Berrara, Larry a I Anthony Mudroskey, Robert Shelia Morgan, Molly Hoary.

Hope Bonita, Mar garet Tosh, Patty Gibbons, Jean Mannon, Barbara Reah, Merril Gordne. Agnes Bedner. CarOl Fomett, Wanda Zawaski, Mary Ellen Golden, Kathy McGovern, Diane Gouse. Raymond Savarese, Michael Fisher, George McClos- kev. Robert Balliet, Francis Cur- rey, Garey Uruick, Edward Mc- Carty, Richard Lorntzan, Mark 01ingerrtephenButlenPeter Roman, Thomas tsauusKones, Robert Meade, Dennis Nealon, Leo Will ams ana L-awrence Studnick.

Graduates were honored last night at a dinner. Class nignt nroeram and dance were held in the school cafeteria and spon sored bv the parents of tne grad uates. American Legion awards were presented to the two top pupils by Post 781. The top pupils gave GALLI BEER distributor is open for business. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ladies Auxiliary iu uic kum- a 1 4L.

XTxnM gola Fire Company will hold fish or lobster dinner June 19 in the fire hall. Servings will be held from 5 to 8, and reservations should be made before June 18. Takeout orders will be available. Mrs. E.

Varker is publicity chairman for the dinner. Fairview Heights and Wright Yanks will meet tonight in the Little League action Commission of Christ Methodist Church will meet tonight at 7 In the chambers of the church. All buildings in Central Luzerne County-Joint School System will close today for the term-Pupils will report forre-port cards tomorrow. Official board of Christ Methodist Church will meet tonight at 8 in the church. Tickets for the chicken dinner in conjunction with St.

Jude's picnic are available for members of the Altar and Rosary Society. Confessions tomorrow in St. Jude's will be held the afternoon at 4 and at night at 7:30. In St. Catherine's tomorrow nightat 7 The regular schedule of two Masses at St.

Jude's will resume today. Mass will be read tomorrow morning in St. Catherine at 8. Confessions will be heard daily before Masses. Twilight League practice will be held at 5:45 at Memorial Park.

All players should attend as suits will be distributed. Ashley Vacation Bible School Will Open Monday Annual Daily Vacation Bible School sponsored by the Methodist and Presbyterian Cnurches will open Monday morning at 9:30 in the Presbyterian Church. Course of study wilL be entitled, "Jesus The Promised Saviour," and the program will include Bible lessons, handicraft, games, music and stories. "There will be classes for beginners, primaries, juniors and teenagers. Children attending must bring Bibles and pencils.

An offering will be received each morning. Staff will include the following, Rev. Charles L. Bomboy, pastor of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. John H.

Cordon, pastor of the Methodist Church; Mrs. Paul Pastusczak. Mrs. William Snyder, Mrs. Emlyn Edmunds, Mrs.

Thompson O'Con-nell, Jerome Johnson, Mrs. Fred Hawke, Mrs. Edgar Stark, Jr. and Miss Jean Ellen Snede-ker. If children or young people do not find It possible to enroll for the full two week course they may enroll for as many days as they find It to be convenient to attend.

The sessions are open to all children of the community as well as visitors who may be spending their, vacations In Ashley or vicinity. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ashley-Sugar Notch Joint School Board will meet today at 5 at tha high achool, 'Ashley jud He explained how bamc skills ran be measured through tests He then listed four Intangible 'areas of education and total et.n able to measure errurately.i I wood said inese are: nuw.wcii have they learned to reasbh? How strong is their sense of value? How suitable are their attitudes? How deep are their understanding to conquer new learning situations! Wood said these win De aDie to be evaluated only in terms of the graduates' future' achieve ments. Diplomas were presented to io senfors by School Director George Sisko. Invocation was Dy Rev. John Pakan.

pastor of St. John's Greek Rite Church. Val edictory was deliverey by Gil bert Reilly and salutatory oy John Rozanski. Musical selections were offered by Coughlln High School orches tra, unner me direction in toward Zabpskl, graduate of Wilkes-Barre Township High School Class Of 1941. Supervising Principal Jonn J.

Skuba and Principal Mitchell Czoch spoke briefly. Confraternity to Aid Kucewicz Family Confraternity of Christian Mothers of St. Mary Church of the Maternity will sponsor a party for the Kueewicz family of Stanton-Hill whose home was destroyed by fire May 29. The party will be held June 26 at 8 in Marymount School Auditorium. Assisting the confraternity are members of the Rosary Altar Society, Holy Name Society and the Sodality of Our Lady.

A fund-raising project for the Kueewicz family was also initiated by residents of Stanton-Hill. John Stone was named chairman and Joseph Zasada, secretary-treasurer. Anyone wishing to nartiriPate in this project, for which three $100 Savings Bonds will be given, may telepnone either Stone, or Zasada. MOTHERS CLUB PLANS FOR TRIP Mothers Club held a special meeting recently at the Georgetown Settlement House and com-niPtert nlans for a the Pnrnno Plavhouse. the date to Ko annnnnppfi.

travelline by bus, will SPA "Sound of Music" which will run at the Playhouse for two weeks in July. A limited nnmher of reservations are still available. Anyone wishing to ac- nmrtanv the -club Should Com- nloto nrraneements with the chairman, Mrs. Carl Opet. nol latpr than June 30.

Prior to the theater, the group will dine at the Hign roim inn ajLCague lO lueei ranches, manasers ana an nivr in uniform, of St. Jo seph's Youth League were asked to meet at the ballpark Tuesday night at 5:30. The annual nouse-to-house canvass for funds will be conducted. Commissioner Charles Lavan urged residents to support the league. Game scheduled for tonight is between the Red Sox and Yanks.

Larks ville School to End "Final "session of Larksville Borough" Schools will be held June 15. Annual school picnic will be held June' 18 at Sans Souci Park. LOT TOR SALE Inquire 197 Mrey Strut. Or phone 779-9060. HOME ASSOCIATION TO MEET Home Association ot American Legion Post -55, Larksville, will meet tonight at 7:30 in the post home.

Scranton Cops Warn On Smut Displays I Scranton police were ordered yesterday to warn owners of newstands against display of p*rnographic material. Policemen were told to tell owners that if the material is not removed arrests may follow. Maximum penalty on conviction is two years imprisonment and a fine of $2,000. Street. Anthony Karboski will preside.

'Student: Day -will be. observed during the worship services at 10 in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning. Rev. John H. Gordon assisted by students will be in charge of the services.

Children's Choir of the Presbyterian Church will meet today at 3:45 with Thomas Tudgay in charge. Sunday morning at 10:30 the annual Children's Day program will be presented in the sanctuary. Confessions will be heard at St Leo's Church Saturday from 4 until 5 and. from 7:30 until 8:30 on Saturday night. Tax Collection i ax oinre imrau-u in uir hall is ODen daily from 1 until 5 to receive tax payments, New tax statements have heen received by residents and Tax Collector Stanley Meholchick urged residents to take, advantage of the discount period by paying taxes early.

It also was announced the deli-quent tax collector will be at the town hall today from 1 until 2.j TO LEAVE FOR SCOTLAND Mrs. John Gordon, wife or Kev. John H. Gordon of the Methodist Church will leave this morning for New York City. Mrs.

Gordon will leave by plane tonight from the Kennedy Airport for Scotland where she will spend the next three months visiting friends and relatives. She will be accompanied to New York by Rev. Gordon who will leave for Scotland in July. Home last night with Commander James Riordan presiding. Membership heard and ap proved a financial report given Dy treasurer nanrey dshuwsm.

Adjutant Frank Novakowski reported the Barracks membership was at 140 members, a gain of 15 members over the 1963 en rollment and exceeding the bar racks assigned quota for 1964 by nine members. The highlight of the meeting was the presentation to the bar rack of an altar ciotn oy Mrs. Andrew E. Dennis in memory of her late husband, Andrew Dennis, who was the eighth district commander at the time of his death. The altar cloth will be used at all future meetings.

Other visitors at the meeting were J. Henry Kroencke, Scranton Barracks 2192. who is aspir ing for the office of Eighth Dis trict Commander; oeraia Mur ray, member of the Scranton barracks and a member of the WW 1 National Legislative Committee: Joseph Ferrasse, Com mander of Scranton Barracks 2192. A Soecial part of thfrmeetlngs order or business was ine arapmg of the barracks charter in mem ory of the late John Welgoss, who was a memoer or me local oar- racks. The charter will remain draped for 30 days.

The local barracks will play host to the Eighth District delegates at the annual meeting of the district onicers ior me ensuing year. Members holding tickets for the entertainment program must make returns on or before June 17. The following members were selected as delegates to the coming district meeting and the department convention in Wilkes-Barre next month: James Riordan, Frank Novakowski, Stanley Bakowski, Frank Piascecki, Joseph Tirp'ak, Steve Senowech, Herman Saunders, Joseph Pa-lombo, Angelo Billings, Joseph Shiffka, Bernard Blockus and John Dynterko. OR RENT--" 5Toom ninne baUi." -is Charlei Street, Sheatown. 73S-4842.

Wallet Lost Lottie Ogin, rear of 218 East Main Street, Glen Lyon, reported to Newport Township Police yesterday that she lost her wallet while on her way to work at Consolidated Cigar Corporation, Wilkes-Barre. ARRIVAL A daughter was born yesterday morning at 12:43 in the Jsanu co*ke State General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hays, RD 1, Benton. Mother is the former Rose Goss.

White Haven Alice Albee to Head Lehigh Chapter 0ES Lenieh Chapter 193 OES re cently elected and installed the following officers: Worthy ma tron, Alice Albee; associate ma tron, Margaret Miller; secretary. Carrie Snell; treasurer, Margaret Sipler; conductress, Mildred Car ter; associate conductress. Lois Carter; trustees, Esther Hassel, Alene Jenkins and Ruth Braun; chaplain, Edith Jones; marshall, i i a Fairchild organist, Esther-Maier: Adah, Bette Dod-son; Ruth, Shirley Feist; Esther, Elizabeth Meier; Martha, Arlene Baetz; Electa, Pauline Heinbach; warder, Mae Elvidge and sentinel, Evelyn Barry. Chapter also is planning a bake sale July 18. BIBLE SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY Bible School will begin in St.

PauTs-LutheraaParisb House Monday from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. and continue until June 26.

All children from three years of age and up may attend. School Superintendent is Mrs. Wilmur Storm. Teachers are Miss Alyce Wheeler, Mrs. Lois Gower, Mrs.

Alma Clymer, Mrs. Marian Stolpe and Lois Seip. Assistants will be Dflrlene Dotter, Debbie Stolpe. Barbara Herbener and Shirley Richards. the meeting games were played and refreshments served.

Fly-up Held hwv lnlncr -TvrADfram. fftR this season the Lee 'ParRt Brownies Troop 834 held its annual Fly-up at the Douglass Presbyterian Church recreation rooms Monday night. Mrs, Irvin Herriotts and Mrs. Merritt Stair leaders were in charge. A program was presented by the girls that flew-up including: Irene Cheponis, Jacqueline Davis, Lanna Haefele, Rosemary Lesho, Laura Lewis, Ann Maczuga, Kathy Barbara Szu-mowski, Wendy Jane Tudgay, Teresa Thomas and Arlene Uz-dilla.

Mrs. Jack Reese was the pianist. ANNOUNCEMENTS Junior Choir of the Baptist Tabernacle will meet today at 4. The Senior Choir will meet tonight at 7:30. Members of the Lyndwood Congregational Church School will sponsor an ice cream social on the church grounds, Colley Street, Wednesday night June 13 starting at 6:30.

Tickets can be obtained from any. member. Hanover Township Planning Commission will mr-et at 7 tonight at the Municipal Building. Lee Park. SAVEUSE YOUR CREDIT SAVE For Your Glen Alden Coal CALL WILLIAMS 287-4238 Order Tear Cnl men But A.

Ormimi Tede. Olnited Stated MembersrT)f-thf-Jeffries-SIaT" pikas Post 971, American Legion, Wanamie, met recently at Wanamie Hose House and elected tha following officers: Commander, Stanley Mazur; senior vice com- manaer, toward Kielar, junior vice commander, Michael Bodek," adjutant, Zigmund Butka; treas urer. Amnony Shukweitis; service officer, Joseph Dutzar; chap- iwinenimer; trustees, three years, Stanley Godletski. Members and friends of First Methodist Church, Nantico*ke. win noid-arreception Tuesday night at 7:30 for Revr J.

G. Burt Easton and family. A short program will be presented and refreshments will be served. Holy Name Society of St. nrys Hanover Street, will hold its annual smoker and installation ceremonies Saturday night at 7 at the church school.

Mobile X-rav Unit Valley Tuberculosis and Health Society will be in Nantico*ke today from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. in tront of Rea and rwirt's Store East Main Street.

All food uamuers must nave Polish Falcon's' An viliarv will hold a picnic Julv ir tv. Members must make leservauons with Mrs. Anna Annual two-dav tirnt parishioners of St. Michnoi't r.n Church, Glen Lyon, will be held Saturday and Sunday at the church grounds, Spring Street. St.

Michael's Church Chnir will hold its annual nicnir Sun. day night at Chefs Grove, Lily acn person must bring a 2o-cent gift. SEVERAL tiled tivlMn "Paired "and trutHled" USmN' iucB ua-iiou. Kiwanis to Decide On Meeting Place sented by Principal Masrow, Rother. American Le plnn Essay Contest, $5, sented by Mrs.

Daniel Phillips, president. Legion Auxiliary. Ronald Schnact, and Patsy Barney, Science project pins, presented by Principal Masiow. cuivia Ancielskl. Ellen Arthur, Jeanne Audelewicz, Daniel Powell, Daniel Reese, Mary T.vnne Ri'dao Ridzon, Joyce Father SiberskL Judith Thomas, Joseph Verbalis, NED test certificates, presented by Robert Thomas guidance direc- t0Joseph Verbalis.

the" Northeastern Pennsylvania Heart Association $100 Savings bond was presented by Atty. Michael Hudacek. The award -was announced "recently. Ninth grade first honor awards vupre ore sented" by Supt. Blytne irSt Notes New Year First Methodist Church, Shick shinny, marked thet beginning of a new church last Sunday.

It is the third year Rev. William B. Simons has served the Shickshinny church. Seventeen new members were added during the past year: Miss Debra Bach, Miss Debra Beach, Miss Diane Cavallini, Miss Nancy Cortright, Miss Sherida Ruckle, Allan Sorber, and Miss Deborah Williams, from the membership class. Others were Mrs.

James Moore, William Spencer, Oscar Wayne Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott, Mrs. Steven Kobosko, and Mrs. Edward Harris and Mr.

and Mrs. Steven Cresci. Last year five members died: Mrs. Elizabeth Deitrich, Mrs. HelehCallagherrMrsT Emma Killian, Mrs.

Grace Markle, and Mrs. Emma Price. Six infants were baptized dur ing the period: Radel Jon Hard-ine. Charles Spencer, Karen Lee Bridal, Michelle Leslie Kozar, Steven James Si mons and Cynthia Louise Adams. The year saw the birth of a son, Steven James, to the parsonage family (the first since the birtn of a daughter, Denise Lynne, to i ry i I.

Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Derk while Dr. Derk served here 11 years ago). In the area of stewardship, the 1964-65 Conference Year intro duces a weekly envelope system differing from that used in the past.

The new triplex envelopes are for use witn tne "improve ment Fund." Next week the Centraf Penn svlvania Annual Conference of The Methodist Church opens at Lvcomine Coileee: Williamsport Eisht Northwest Area Hign SciiooLseniors 'from the Shick-shinny Methodist congregation were recognized at last aunaay Church School session and Morn ine WorshiD an ex pression of its congratulations, the rhurch school presented conies of the New English Bible (New Testament)' to its gradu atine vouth. They ere: Lloydeen Bach, Leland Charles, Craig Cuers. Larrv Roberts, David Trescott, Glenn Whitebread. Harold Whitmire, and Howara Williams. Four of these vouth have been officers in this year'sJMYF, Following the Dresentatioh.the grad uates eave a brief statement of thpir Dlans following graduation Four are enrolling in colleges in various parts of the state.

Saturday, June 13 at 9:30 va cation Church School registra tion and orientation will begin. The school is held iointly by the Methodist and Presbyterian con zreeations at the Metnoaist Church, June 13-22, 9:30 a. m. until noon. All boys and girls are welcome.

Sunday, June 14 at a. m. preparatory membership class will be held at the parsonage; church school 9:45 a. Morn ing Worship 11 a. m.

with ser mon, -MemDer in uooa siana-ing." Child care will be provid ed. Commission on Education will meet at 7:30 d. m. Monday. June 15.

daily vaca tion Church School 'sessions will open Monday- through Saturday, 9:30 a. m. until noon. Subdis-trict MYF picnic will be held at Hunlock Creek 6:30 p. m.

Wednesday, June 17 at 1:30 p. central Pennsylvania Annual Conference convenes at Ly coming College, Williamsport. Sessions run through Saturday. Conference closes with. Sunday's ordination service.

Thursday, June 18 at 7:30 p. m. Senior Choir will rehearse. hold a covered dish supper at 6:30 p. m.

Sunday. June 21. Sacrament of The Lord's Supper will be held at 11 a. m. Hanover Twp.

Daily Bible School Scheduled Monday Earl Kohl, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle announced the annual Daily Vacation Bible open at the church. Division and South Regent Street. Monday morning at 9:30. Registration will begin at 9. Classes will be held daily from 9:30 until from June 15 to and including June 26.

All children of the Community are invited to participate in the program that will include kinder garten, primary and junior classes. Departmental themes will be: Kindergarten, The Children Come," instructors will be Mrs. Edith Garrison and Barbara Garrison; primary. "And The Child Grew," with Mrs. Eva Kohl, Barbara Nansteil and Mrs.

Eleanor Sones in charge; Junior Department, "I Would Follow with Mr TVirnthv Smith an(1 Mrs Ruth Tnomas as teachers. Rev. Mr. Kohl will serve as the school director. Young, Old Auxiliary Will Hold Outing Auxiliary of the Young and Old Club of the Newtown section met at their clubrooms with Mrs.

Victoria Komskl presiding. Group completed plans for holding its annual outing at the Villa Grove in Hunlock Creek July 12. Mrs. Edna Lowe has been named chairman assisted by Mrs. Nickolene Fenner, Mrs.

Edna Fedorchak, Mrs. Mary Simelberger and Mrs. Lottie Altavilla. During meeting reports were accepted from the secretary and Following Lavery. aner outlining luiuie plans for rocketing preliminary unmanned Ranger and Surveyor satellite nrobes to the moon, described the huge Saturn rocket, taller than the Statue of Liberty, which will send the Apollo space craft into lunar orbit.

"Reaching for the moon has become the central goal of our national space effort," said Lav- prv. noline that Bell fcystem or ganization, experience and talent is expected to contribute essential support to the success of "Project Apollo," an historic ven ture. Announcement was mane Dy PrpVirfpn! Jefferv of the Ladies Nlht orozram to be held Wednesday, June 24, at Foothills Manor, Shickshinny. banao is res ervations chairman. FOR' RBNT 4-ROOM airtmit.

Bth tU ltnproymM. Fwnklln Strert. 779-1634 Margaret Phillips Heads Legion Unit A'uxillarv to American Legion Post 463 picked new officers In a recent meeting. Ejected were Mrs. Margaret Phillins.

president: Mrs. Jule Fnhpk first vice president; Mrs Mary Guest, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Jonn juougneny, secretary; Mrs. Agnes Hiznay, treasurer: Mrs. Ethel Lynn, chaplain; Mrs.

Vera Swank, historian; Mrs. Vrnc Kuzniak. sergeant at arms. Officers will be insallrd in Sep (ember by Mrs. Olga Blackwell at a formal ceremony.

PERSONALS Rev. Casimir Sulickl, assistant St. Marv's Church of the ia tivitv. is a- patient at' Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Kingston. William P.

Kinney, 76 Main Road. Plymouth Township, is patient in Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. He was admitted Wednesday. Mrs. Daniel Phillips, 69 Rrnwninz Street, is home after being a patient at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre.

Gladys Price, 58 Cherry Street, was taken to Nesbitt Memorial Hospital yesterday morning in Plymouth ambulance. ANNOUxNCEMExYTS Lillie Cooper Bible Class of First Methodist Church meets today at the summer home of Arline Jones, North Lake. Members should gather at 4:30 in front of the church. Auxiliary to Hose Company 2 will meet Monday at 8 p. m.

In the hose company rooms, Mrs. Eva Sims presiding. MrsAnderson'sd MnT elly's class of Pilgrim Conre- nellv gational Church will rehearse for the children's day program today at the church. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Nagle, 613 Bower Street, Linden, N. announce the birth of their first child, a son, June 9 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Elizabeth, N. J. Mother was formerly Lorraine Zoszak, Morris Street.

Sabol Graduated Third Class Andrew K. iaooi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Sabol of 752 North Washington StreTrt, Wilkes-Barre, was graduated from the technical training bourse for S.

Air Force medical service (specialists at Gunter AFB, Ala. GAS HEAT Conversion and Unit JOS. WHITEY SCKLOSSER Plumbing and Heating 823-3810 Haft no- .90 Regular Value ti Arthur. Jeanne Audelewicz, Shirley Gould, Rob ert Prego, Joyce thony Shucosky, Judith Thomas and Josteph Verbalis. ciar.tinn were sung by me Girls' Chorus, directed by Chri- tine Bialogawicz, wun Arthur, Joyce Rother and Diane Wasley.

accompanists, covtof roniDosed of iPana '-'rutin. Marv Ridzon, Patsy Bar ney, Gloria Banyar, Cherl Ann owi. Potestivo. rmnald Schacht and Cyrus Smith were the stage hands. ATTENTION LADIES! Op'n MoniHyt.

Heed a permenent. h1rrut, ihempoo nd el? Cill MIX'S BEAUTY, Ntrrowi Shop-plnf Center, M7-W46. Fire Practice Set -Hose Comoany 1 will meet at 4ta fir house. Gavlord Avenue, Sunday at 7:15 a. m.

to proceed Nantico*ke Kiwani OnS fcaM to Concrete City, Hanover Town the first of its summer mrie nf informal meetings at the American Legion Home Wednesday night. President William Samuel canea ror a vote of the club to hold its meetines through in the Legion Home. The matter will rfinece, further at the next meeting of the board of directors whn urr afid-AirziM will mined. The club Is unable tn for training. Raincoats, hont and helmets will be re cuired.

Lunch will be available i at the school. meet at St. George's Church, where it holds its meetings the year 'round because of renovations and rebuilding operations at the church. Samuel announrrl tVi.t 1 1 Storm, television actress and wife of a past Kiwanis president, will be the HxeMfn.i.1 for the deleeates at thm r. i Bit Science nctloa Mitt, "WORLD WITHOUT HID" coioi- A Celer CtrtMiw Surprizes and "Prizes SATURDAY- 1 geles International Kiwanis Club convention.

wiH meet next Wednesday night at 6 In the American Legion Home. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 6AF4 TUBES GUARANTEED We Repair RADIOS. TELEVISIONS SALZ-DOUBLB BLOCK. 1MnM mle eeute. 1 luilrrnd.

Alden. 7M-4317 Screens Stolen William Cain. Kat mi Street, Wanamie. reported in Newport Townshlo Poll terday that two aluminum screens had been atolen from the first floor of his home Cain told police the last time he saw th screens was Monday. Pollca art' nvesiigaiing.

The rUr Ike la I mrs. urn riaMA.t Of KuUuli UIm to (hank efl Mmm kutoled la He fmi Iwmv. aeai, dee Umm he Mat Mm Cirdt, riere and lae.a4 are. and Hi Fi and Stereo PHONOGRAPHS! FM The newest and most beautiful thing In radio sound. Three FM STEREO radio stations are available In this area now.

Other stations shall Component Stereo Units Available in FISCHER, SCOTT, B0GEN, EICO, STROMBERG CARLSON and others. KOSTRELLA RADIO-TV 326 E. Main riymouth Thone 779-Hld' Funeral Home 614 Ss. Hanover St. Nantico*ki DIAL 735-0583 Succeeding J.

L. Gfabowski r7V.

The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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